Work In Progress, updating doc…


Third Party Libraries

Put all of them into ext/ folder.

Internal Use Misc Library


Due to currently hardware path is hardcoded into the code and database, adding new devices requires modification to the source code.
Current default setup is:

Update the dummy addresses to your actual device address.
To add more devices, must create relevant classes in DB to store those data, it is not automated and has to be hardcoded into source code. Guide is inside source code.

Code other than input output of devices doens’t have to be modified at all.


Start Simulation

Start orientDB server.

Start DBHierarchySetup.
Select option Create Only to setup database structure. Only needed to run once.

Start StorageRegistrar.
Start StartupSoft on the target worker machine.
Start Console OR GuiConsole to control workers.

At console:

Visualize Result

Continue After Halt

Follow the exact same procedure in Start Simulation section except the DBHierarchy setup part, it will continue on learning and previous data is not lost.


Run DBHierarchySetup, select option Drop and Recreate.
It will wipe out all previously learned data and return the database to a clean state equivalent to result of Create Only.


Learning is slow at first, but will speed up in the future as experiences increase (less unpredictable stuff encountered from time to time) in theory.
The simulation is costly and doesn’t guarantee 100% useful result for now.

Currently lack of resources to continue on developing the project and testing the theory.